Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 92: The last one

In which our Vlogbrothers video rewatch series comes to an end.

"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals
"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals | Jim Spellman/GettyImages

They always say that every ending is much more like a new beginning, and that could not be truer of today's post. The featured Vlogbrothers video for today signals the end of one chapter in John Green's life and the start of another, so it seems quite fitting that this particular rewatch will mark the end of something truly magical, although a new beginning in this case is much harder to predict.

Welcome to the final installment of Vlogbrothers Rewatch -- an ongoing series of articles documenting my journey through the back catalog of the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel. Using this playlist, I have spent the past few months making my way through these videos one at a time, in chronological order, from the very beginning. I made a lot of headway as you can see by the number in the headline. I'm sad to say this, however, is where it all must end.

I've discussed many times on Vlogger Beat the unpredictability and fragility of the internet as we know it. Sometimes things change very quickly, and the only way to move forward in such a fast-paced and unforgiving environment is to adapt and shift as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Content creation is an often unkind industry, and the constantly changing digital landscape sometimes means that the projects you thought you'd continue to work on forever must instead be put to the side in favor of other endeavors.

While I planned on finishing out this series to its end, it's time to say goodbye. The same way John ends today's video by putting in an offer on a house that would eventually become the longtime home of his family and the set of many hundreds of vlogs to come, I am ending this series with high hopes for the future, even though it means putting something dearly beloved behind.

It has been an honor and a delight to look back on some of the greatest origin points of Nerdfighteria with all of you. Don't forget to be awesome. I'll see you elsewhere on the internet, if you so desire. I'll be around.