The future almost never plays out exactly as we hope or imagine. Often times the things we wish for do technically come true, just not in the exact way we originally envisioned. But doesn't that, in many ways, make life just a little bit more exciting? When you think you know how things are going to turn out, only to discover the path to getting to your end goal was just a little bit different than you planned, doesn't that feel like reading a book of your own life -- unpredictable, yet everything eventually all worked out in the end?
Today's Vlogbrothers video is a perfect example of that. John Green goes to Hollywood to meet with people who might make his book An Abundance of Katherines into a movie someday. That never ends up happening. But the series of events that does eventually occur does lead to a much better outcome in the end. John of 2007 just doesn't know that yet.
Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers Rewatch! This is an ongoing series of brief articles in which I happily document my questionable commitment to rewatching every Vlogbrothers video ever posted to the internet (well, most of them anyway). Using this playulist, I am going through every single video in chronological order, a video a day, starting from the very beginning. This is going to go on for quite a while (we're not even to the 100th video yet) and honestly? I'm not mad about it.
We know now, of course, that Hollywood would eventually -- at the time of this writing -- make three of John's books into movies and one into an eight-episode limited streaming series. I'm no Katherines hater by any means, but it's most certainly not his best work. Not nearly as good as the books that did go on to get screen adaptions.
But this was just the beginning. It wasn't the right time for John's books to be movies yet. It would take a few more years. And then, everything would change drastically -- and nothing has ever been quite the same for him since.