Vlogbrothers rewatch, Day 8: January 10

Warning: This video contains alarming amounts of math.

"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals
"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals | Jim Spellman/GettyImages

Excuse me? Why did no one warn me when I committed to this series that I was going to be forced to think about math? I don't particularly enjoy thinking about math. That's the whole reason I went into journalism and not, like, medicine or accounting. This is unacceptable.

But before I complain further about YouTube videos from 18 years ago, hi. If you're joining me for the first time, I'm sorry. We're just starting our ongoing series in which I rewatch every Vlogbrothers video from the beginning (using this playlist) and provide my daily commentary as I go. Necessary? No. Fun? Absolutely. Except for the math part. I'm not a fan of that.

In today's video, John Green both comments on the derogatory use of women to encourage corporate sales and calculates his carbon footprint. Much like Hank inspired John for this video, John also inspired me to attempt to calculate my own carbon footprint in 2024. Unfortunately, I'm on deadline and it would take too long (and distract me too dangerously) to actually fill in a calculator right now. But maybe I'll do it this weekend and get back to you, if you're interested.

The thing about math is that unless I have a good reason to do it, I'm probably not going to do it. I still have that nightmare where I show up to the math final at tthe end of the semester and realize I haven't been to class at all ever. By the way, what's the psychology behind why so many of us have that dream? I thought for the longest time that it was just me. Do you understand now why I can't stop writing to calculate my carbon footprint?

Vlogbrothers should inspire all of us to try to make the world a better place, even when we feel like we don't have time to do it. Speaking of time, you can look forward to another video reaction tomorrow, and for many, many days thereafter.