Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 77: For sale

In which Hank's house goes up for sale.
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing"
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" | Monica Schipper/GettyImages

Moving from one place of residence to another has to be one of those universal human activities that everyone hates equally for different reasons, right? I'm casually looking at bigger houses in my area at the moment, and just the thought of having to pack up everything I own has sent me on a decluttering spree so intense I'm a little afraid I'm going to accidentally throw out or give something away that I actually might need ...

But that's the trap of "stuff," isn't it? You talk yourself into thinking you are going to need something in the unspecified distant future, so you keep it -- only for it to continue collecting dust in your basement for another three and a half years.

Anyway! Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers Rewatch! This is an ongoing series of articles in which I -- you guessed it -- document my epic journey through rewatching every upload to the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel since 2007. Using this playlist, I'm rewatching everything on the channel in chronological order, starting from the very beginning, one day and one video at a time.

Hank Green sharing his many woes about moving in today's video really puts into perspective how much he didn't know his life would eventually change significantly in large part because of these very videos. Also, we can't go on without mentioning one of the most glaring tells that this was 2007 YouTube -- a creator showing off the front of their house with no thought toward doing so. It's much more widely known now that you shouldn't show viewers where you live, for plenty of reasons. But no one was really thinking about this in 2007. No one was "YouTube famous" back then.

Moving has not improved as an experience over the past 18 years. I hope that if you're in the process of moving or you're casually thinking about doing so, you have a support system to carry you through it. What an adventure it will be.