Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 76: Consequences

In which John faces the consequences of his actions.

"Paper Towns" New  York Premiere - Outside Arrivals
"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals | Taylor Hill/GettyImages

All actions have consequences. Or rather, all actions SHOULD have consequences that fit their impact whether intended or not. The John Green depicted in today's Vlogbrothers video knows all about consequences and about what it really means to be an adult. No matter how hard you may have chosen to party the night before, sometimes you still have to wake up and go to an airport the next morning. It's not fun. But consequences so rarely are.

Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers Rewatch! This is an ongoing series of short articles in which I document my treacherous journey through rewatching every video on the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel until I catch up to current uploads -- if, in fact, that ever actually happens. Using this playlist, I am going through one video per day in chronological order starting from the very beginning. No matter how long you have been on this journey with me, I am so glad you have found your way here. We're in this together now. This is a team effort. Go team!

It's extremely healthy both to showcase and to witness people facing real consequences on the internet. It does not happen nearly enough, especially among content creators on platforms such as YouTube. Granted, John isn't causing anyone else much suffering in this video, only himself. So it's not exactly the same thing. But it did give me flashbacks to election night 2024 in the U.S., when I also made choices and faced consequences the morning after similar to these.

Honestly, we would all be better off if we thought about the potential consequences of our choices before making them. But we're humans, and we quite often do the opposite. As long as you take responsibility for any consequences that may have impacted others, mistakes are forgivable. No one is perfect, even if it may seem so at times online.