Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 68: Goth Hank

In which John laughs at a photo of Hank.
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing"
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" | Monica Schipper/GettyImages

We don't talk nearly enough about how captivating old photos of our loved ones (and, admittedly, ourselves) can be. I don't particularly love looking at images of my younger self, personally, but it's fascinating to look at the clothes we were wearing, the hairstyles, the technology we were still using at the time. We didn't always make the best decisions when we were younger (wearing black lipstick, maybe), but the photographic evidence, years later, can serve as fine entertainment for someone, at the very least.

Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers Rewatch! This is an ongoing series of articles in which I document my journey through the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel video by video, offer my commentary, and reflect on past versions of the internet through the lens of Nerdfighteria. Using this playlist, I'm watching everything in chronological order starting from the very beginning. And what a journey it has been so far -- with many, many more videos to go. (Much like authors continuing to publish books weekly, I fear I may never catch up, since the Greens continue publishing new videos every week. No regrets.)

One of the best parts of today's video is John's laugh. It is so difficult sometimes to find joy in the little things in life, but this is a full belly laugh, a genuine loss of control in the way that often happens when joy overtakes your spirit. Quite appropriate, I suppose, this video having been filmed on Good Friday of that year (or as John refers to it as: "heathen Friday").

You really do have to find pockets of happiness in the day-to-day. Even if it's at the expense of your younger brother who was just being true to himself at the time, wearing what he wanted, smiling through all that lipstick.