Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 66: Writing

In which John writes with his friends.
"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals
"Paper Towns" New York Premiere - Outside Arrivals | Jim Spellman/GettyImages

Silent people all writing in a room together is a kind of magic that absolutely cannot be replicated. It is something we rarely see but most would benefit from seeing more of. What better writing motivation is there than to see writers writing? Writers talk so much about writing that it's easy to forget that to be a writer, you first and foremost have to actually sit down and write things. Not once, not twice, but millions of times.

Writing is apparently the topic of today's Vlogbrothers Rewatch entry! This is an ongoing series of articles throughout which I document my mass rewatch of every Vlogbrothers video uploaded to the YouTube channel since January 1, 2007. Using this playlist, I'm going back and rewatching everything in chronological order starting from the very beginning. Our journey has just begun, even all these days into the endeavor. Whether you're following along or not, I'm beyond grateful for this ride. There are many, many more days to go.

Anyway, back to writing. (Can we talk about the laptops? Laptops are so much thinner now). I've made day in the life writing videos before, back when writing used to be my main job, and I'm now realizing that my videos were missing something crucial: Friends! I actually can't write with people I like in the same room because I'm easily distracted and writing requires complete silence and a lot of focus for me, but that does not mean I wouldn't love to have writing friends to, you know, write with!

Sometimes when you're creating things, you do need accountability in the form of other people being there also creating things -- even if you're not all working on the same things together. This must be why all of these authors are so successful now. It's the not so secret key to success!