Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 62: Taxes

In which Hank discusses taxes.
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing"
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" | Monica Schipper/GettyImages

My soul left my body a little bit when Hank Green stated talking about 1099 tax forms in today's rewatch video. I know these forms all too well. And by "know" I mean the companies that I provide writing and editing services for in exchange for the funds I need to pay my bills send them to me and I forward them to my tax guy. Because while there are a lot of things I am good at, math and all things related (including taxes) simply does not fit that description.

I hope today is the only day we end up talking about taxes on Vlogbrothers Rewatch (though to be completely honest, I can't make any promises at this point). This is an ongoing series of articles in which I document my journey through every public upload on the long-running Vlogbrothers YouTube channel using this playlist. I'm rewatching one video per day -- in chronological order, starting from the very beginning -- and sharing my thoughts and commentary after not having seen most of these videos in at least a decade. Why? Because it's fun. It's a new year! It's all about the fun.

It should be noted that this video is the origin of John's Tumblr account name, Fishing Boat Proceeds, in reference to one of the sections on the 1099 form Hanik showed. It's both weird and not weird to think about how we do all of our taxes online now, mostly digitally (as in you usually download the form instead of someone sending it to you). At least that's the case for me.

But this was 2007. Most things were paper. Paperless really wasn't possible. And look how far we've come. If there isn't a paperless option now, I'm devastated because I would much rather not get mail unless it's, like, something fun. Taxes are not fun. Maybe tomorrow's video won't obligate me to discuss things like taxes.