Is this a good or terrible time to admit that I have not seen all of The Office? I know for a fact I've seen most if not all of Season 1, I listened to their rewatch podcast for a long time, and I know about some of the key iconic moments in the later seasons. But I just haven't had the chance to watch the whole thing straight through from beginning to end. In some ways I feel like I'm missing out. In other ways -- who really has the time to watch everything all the way through?
What I absolutely do have all the time in the world for, however, is Vlogbrothers Rewatch -- the daily series in which I rewatch every Vlogbrothers video on their YouTube channel in chronological order from the very beginning. Using this playlist, I'm embarking on a journey filled with nostalgia, deep thoughts, and maybe even a little self-discovery along the way. Would you care to join me? So far, we seem to be having a marvelous time.
And that's actually the exact point of this video, it turns out. Hank is absolutely right: Too many of us become adults and forget that the entire point of living should be to enjoy as much of that time as possible,
At some point along the way we learn that it's frowned upon, among other adults, to embrace our inner child. We're supposed to grow up, be serious, never waste time, never stray from the expected path. That's such a boring and terrible way to live. Miserable people want to make other people miserable because they're jealous of their joy. They lost their joy, and they can't stand to see anyone else hold on to theirs.
Let us all be more silly, dance around in our offices, have crushes on fictional characters, imagine the world we want to live in and then create it. We'd all be so much happier. So much more alive.