Too much of a good thing can absolutely turn out to be a very bad thing. And sometimes when you try to fill the world with good things, those good things have unintended consequences. There are two ways to handle this unfavorable outcome: either you admit your wrongdoing, whether intentional or not, and face the consequences of your actions -- or you do none of those things. According to John Green, the Nerdfighter always takes the former approach. As all of us should.
Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers Rewatch! This is an ongoing series of daily articles chronicling my very long (and so far, highly rewarding) journey through rewatching every Vlogbrothers video on their YouTube channel. Using this playlist, I'm watching every video in order starting from the very beginning. Why? Because it's fun. And possibly educational? Yes, even way back in 2007.
For me, some of the best Brotherhood 2.0 videos are the ones in which John is either stuck in an airport or trapped inside of a hotel room. Both of these things are very boring, and research has shwon that many of us are actually at our most creative when we are bored. Boredom forces us to think, imagine, and act on those thoughts and dreams. Of course that could be a bad thing, but it can often turn into something good too.
This video made me think a lot about how not every intended good thing produces net good in the end -- and maybe that's okay. After all, how do we know something is going to have a negative impact on the world if we never experiment? Of course, taking responsibility for things that go wrong is how we eventually make them right. There are a lot of people who will never do that. Let us all strive to not become one of them.