What is a Nerdfighter -- and what does it take to become one? It turns out the answer to one of these questions has changed significantly over time. But back in March 2007 -- where we're living for the duration of this article -- entering into the online community of Nerdfighteria was just a little bit more ... involved.
That's what we'll be discussing on today's latest entry into Vlogbrothers Rewatch -- an ongoing series of articles in which I document my journey through every Vlogbrothers video on their YouTube channel dating back to January 1, 2007. Using this playlist, I'm going through every video in chronological order starting from the very beginning.
Back in March 2007, there were actual criteria for becoming a Nerdfighter -- the fandom surrounding what would eventually become the Vlogbrothers channel (but started out as Brotherhood 2.0). In this video, Hank Green explains that in order to become a member of Nerdfighteria, one must assign themselves a nerd classification, essentially, and contribute song lyrics describing their particular classification of nerdiness.
Things are quite different now, of course. Now, the only prerequisite for becoming a Nerdfighter is that you are thinking about becoming one. Then you're in! Which is how I joined the club eventually. I was searching for a sense of community and belonging, and Nerdfighteria became that for me when I needed it most.
I'm not nearly as involved in the fandom as I used to be, but I'm hoping that doing this series changes that. There's just something special about finding an online community that aligns with your values and cares about making the world a better place in the same way you do. In all the online communities I've tried to join and create, none have welcomed and nurtured me quite like this one has.