In today's video, John suggests that with the help of Brotherhood 2.0 viewers, his brother Hank Green could potentially construct the largest cohesive ball of earwax of all time by the end of 2007. It's a good thing this suggestion was given in March 2007 and not today, because Nerdfighters absoultely would have taken this challenge way too seriously and way, way too far. Although, now that I've mentioned it, I sort of wouldn't hate still seeing it happen ...
Welcome (or welcome back) to Vlogbrothers rewatch -- an ongoing series in which I document my daily journey through the entire backlog of Vlogbrothers YouTube videos from the very beginning, in chronological order, using this playlist.
There is a moment in today's video when, acknowledging that it's March 1, John comments that they are "one sixth of the way done" with the Brotherhood 2.0 project. Little did they know that this thing would not in fact stop on December 31 of that year, but that it would in fact still be going strong -- despite some positive changes -- nearly 18 years later.
It really makes you wonder if these two will still be making videos in 18 more years. Who knows what the internet could look like then, what their lives could look like then. If YouTube as we know it even still exists, if online video is still something in enough demand that people still regularly watch it. Think of how much the internet has changed even since 2007. There is no way we could have accurately predicted all of the things that have happened since.
We may have some idea of how things could look by then. But there is no way to know for sure. And this is both terrifying and highly intriguing.