Personally, I have never really understood the appeal of challenge videos that specifically exist to make the person (or people) in the video suffer. I know they're popular because they get views and plenty of audience members actually do enjoy laughing at the pain of others, but to each their own I guess. If I'm remembering correctly, one of them also does the infamous cinnamon challenge at some point. But I could be thinking of someone else.
I'm sure we'll get to that eventually on Vlogbrothers Rewatch -- the ongoing series in which I document my full rewatch of every Vlogbrothers video in chronological order, one per day from the very beginning, using this playlist. We're almost into March 2007 already, which I absolutely cannot believe. The year (in Brotherhood 2.0 time) will be over before we know it!
I like horseradish when it's paired with the things in which it belongs, but I'm not sure you could ever pay me enough to eat an entire spoonful of it by itself in one sitting. And he wasn't even allowed to drink anything while he did it (he only chugged the glass of water after he was done)! I wonder if he ever thinks about this moment, or whether or not he's forgotten which was worse -- the chin wax or this. Maybe I'll ask him someday. Probably not.
We're getting closer to abandoning dates in video titles, which I actually don't love because it's nice to know at a glance where I'm at in time instead of having to look at the upload date. But they do continue to say it at the beginning of each video, at least for a while yet if I'm remembering right. So I really shouldn't complain.
It should also be noted that this was apparently the first use of the Nerdfighter hand signal, at least in this context specifically. Never forget.