Vlogbrothers rewatch, day 35: February 16

In which Hank talks very fast.

YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing"
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" | Monica Schipper/GettyImages

Much like a lot of people don't know that John Green was an author before he started making YouTube videos (they've obviously never embarked on a full rewatch of Vlogbrothers from January 2007 onwards), many don't remember that Hank Green had totally normal jobs and aspirations before other opportunities came along.

And that's something that makes these early, Brotherhood 2.0-era videos so interesting. They're extremely relatable in a way modern videos simply can never be. Today's video is a great example of that -- here we have a 20-something convinced he'll continue to be ordinary and unimportant and maybe that's fine. But that's not at all how his story ended.

If you're new here, well hello! This is Vlogbrothers Rewatch, an ongoing series of articles in which I document my journey (and offer my commentary) through the entire back catalog of Vlogbrothers videos, starting from the very beginning. You can follow along using this playlist -- we're tackling one video a day for, well, for as long as we can.

It's fascinating and a little sad to look back on this now, knowing how much will change for both Greens over the next 18 years. Perhaps both of them thought their work would be impactful in small ways, but it has turned into something so much bigger than that -- because of luck, because of Nerdfighteria, because of being in the right place at the right time.

Hank wouldn't, in fact, continue to run a web design business for the rest of his life. And he certainly wouldn't fade into obscurity either. Quite the opposite, actually. 2007 Hank had no idea what was coming. Which just goes to show that even when you think you'll never get to where you want to be, your life could turn out so much different -- and better -- than you ever could have imagined.