Hank Green announces new book ... sort of

Back the Kickstarter before it's too late!
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing"
YouTube Personality Hank Green Discusses His New Book "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" / Monica Schipper/GettyImages

Hank Green (sort of) announced a new book earlier this week -- but it's not like the books he has released in the past.

In his latest vlogbrothers YouTube video, Hank tells the story of finding a book in a trash can and beginning to read it out of curiosity. He claims this book is unlike any other book he has come across before. As he read it, it began asking him to do things for it. So he did.

When he got to the end of the book, the story goes, it asked him to share it with more peopl;e. So he made a Kickstarter for it. It's called The Book of Good Things, and as of this writing, you can still back the project so that it gets made (and shared with) as many people around the world as possible.

The project runs through mid-October, and you have a few options to choose from. You can either get a paperback version for cheaper, or you can pay a little extra for a fancier hardcover edition (in limited quantities). If you pay an extra $2 for any of these options, you can guarantee you'll get it by Christmas. Otherwsie, if the project gets fully funded, it will ship in February 2025.

The book "becomes more human" the more things you do for it, which is both an intriguing and terrifying concept. It's quite similar to the premise of Green's two novels, where a mysterious intelligence appears out of nowhere and the life of the woman who discovers it is instantly changed forever.

The project is fully funded now, but you can still back the Kickstarter to grab a copy. You won't be charged until the pledging period ends, so you have some time to decide whether or not this book is your destiny.