New vlogbrothers video promotes bone marrow registry signups

Here's why expanding the registry is important.
3rd Annual Save The Children Illumination Gala
3rd Annual Save The Children Illumination Gala / Mike Pont/GettyImages

Brothers Hank and John Green have long used their vlogbrothers platform and the online community surrounding it to help make the world a better place. Their latest joint video highlights the importance of growing the bone marrow registry in the United States.

Hank is in remission after undergoing treatment for blood cancer, and discusses in the video how bone marrow might play a role in his future treatment if his cancer were ever to relapse. He and John use this as a springboard to discuss the wider importance of the bone marrow registry.

For many people with blood cancer, bone marrow from a very closely matching donor is needed to provide treatment, ideally to help rid the body of the cancer cells making a person sick. If the match isn't close enough, the body could potentially start to attack the donated bone marrow, and that's not a great thing.

So that's why the Green brothers are encouraging people to sign up for DKMS. A bone marrow match could potentially save someone's life, and the first step toward making this possible is by signing up for the registry. However, there are other ways you can support the organization if that's not possible for you, such as donating financially or hosting a local blood drive for people in your community.

Videos where these two are together in the same room always yield good things. While sometimes they're filled with humor and questions answered as quickly and un-seriously as possible, other times they're both informative and motivational.

Sometimes, it's the smallest steps you can take that can lead to the biggest outcomes down the road. Watch the video, and send it to someone you know to spread the word about the importance of signing up for the bone marrow registry. It's not too late.