Getting to be Hank Green likely has plenty of perks, specifically related to the fact that he is the brother of author and fellow content creator John Green. Getting to read new John Green books long before anyone else is quite a small thing, but it matters. Especially since John's new book is much different from his previous work.
Everything Is Tuberculosis, releasing in March 2025, is not a novel like The Fault In Our Stars or Turtles All the Way Down. It's a real story about a real person, supported by history and science to paint a picture of the impact of tuberculosis on humanity (and humanity's impact on the disease). It will be different. And maybe that is a good thing.
In his latest Vlogbrothers video, Hank Green discusses tuberculosis -- naturally -- in the context of his brother's new book, specifically highlighting why modern testing should be easier and less expensive than it currently is right now.
In short, Danaher Corporation has made some promises about future endeavors (involving tuberculosis) that it has yet to follow up on. And while that is concerning amidst an annual audit, it's impossible to know what might be delaying the process. That, and Hank just doesn't want to put more on the plates of people in the U.S. who are already overwhelmed with the approaching presidential election in early November.
Both of the Green brothers are highly influential when it comes to calls to action, especially where human rights are involved. They have been open supporters of global healthcare initiatives for a long time, and tend to use their reach to (try to) make a positive difference for those most in need.
Hank not only promotes John's book in this video, but also raises awareness of how science in relation to disease has changed -- and how everyone everywhere deserves to benefit from that.