The great Thanksgiving unplug

Can I go an entire day without producing content?
Children Screen Time Rockets
Children Screen Time Rockets | Matt Cardy/GettyImages

It is Thanksgiving in the United States as you are reading this, and I am making an effort to go the entire day without making a single piece of content. (For the record, I am writing this in advance; it is coming to you now through the magic of the internet days after I am typing these words.)

Even though I've been a content creator for quite some time, I have never been particularly good at it. And by that I specifically mean I've never been very good at stopping. I love what I do, and have been guilty plenty of times of therefore doing it too much. Uploading to Instagram on holidays. Posting on social media. Letting the world know I'm present -- for no reason other than that's often what we are made to feel we need to do. Every single day.

But not this year. This year, I'm going to make an active effort to not pick up my phone, or feel the need to document everything. Not every moment needs to go on social media. Okay, so maybe I'll take some photos of my food -- we all do it. But they can wait until the day after to go online, if they do at all. Right?

This is supposed to be a time for thankfulness, for family and slowing down and making memories. I don't want to see it all through my phone screen. I want to taste foods I only have access to once a year, and laugh, and walk my dog, and play board games. If content creation is both a job and a hobby, then can't I afford to set it aside for just one day? Can't we all?

I don't know if I will succeed. But I promise I'm going to try.